Saturday, December 4, 2010

This might be a poetic sort of way. I noticed it is on a weekend when the Eagles are not playing, that will help with attendance for sure!

Now, I read the Daily Local Article, and the most of the 7 poets have been featured in a journal published by the woman who puts on this show...this is not really a problem, but it does remove it from the once local nature of the event, according to the Daily Local. Why is this? I then went to the website of Think Journal to find out.
"Think Journal publishes emerging and established writers with an editorial focus on words that have meaning, that are presented in a clear way, and that exhibit the skills demanded by craft."

(Why does this change my font when I copy and paste?)

This didn't help me a whole lot, just more of the normal Mumbo Jumbo editors seem to offer to kill the hopes and dreams of poets everywhere. If we thought our poems were everything above, we wouldn't hide them in closets...

Anyway...see ya there?

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